07376 263 590
Mr Alex Hairdressing Foundation



At Mr Alex Hairdressing Foundation we provide individual support, advice and mentoring and we act as a support network to point people in the right direction to develop their hairdressing careers.

It is our objective to see trainees become fully trained and experienced in their chosen field and to develop as competent employed people who make a great contribution to their local communities. 

Most of all we want to ‘be there’ so there is always someone to turn for anyone who has doubts about their hairdressing career or needs structured advice.

We also provide financial support, training opportunities and hairdressing equipment to students who may otherwise struggle to enter or further their careers.

Our work falls into two main areas; Advice and Mentoring and Financial Support. 


We are dedicated to providing a highly supportive environment to help those who wish to establish or develop their careers in hairdressing.

We understand that having a sympathetic expert available who will provide advice on the different courses, opportunities and directions on offer can be hugely helpful, particularly if you are facing difficulties or aren’t sure of which path to take.

We are available to provide advice and support to our grantees and to anyone else in the hairdressing profession who needs it.

We also offer mentor relationships for those people who require longer term, structured help and advice to help them develop their careers.


Many of the people we assist would find it extremely difficult to afford the necessary training costs involved in becoming professional hairdressers. The cost of tuition fees continues to rise and for some, they seem unaffordable.

Mr Alex, who our foundation was established to remember, was determined to embark on a career in hairdressing whatever it took, and after overcoming many hurdles along the way. It is our belief that funding should never be an obstacle if any person has a vocation for a career in hairdressing. Success in their chosen career will support them to follow a professional path, as well as support their local community with much needed hairdressing services.

Our foundation assists to pay tuition fees for needy people to ensure that a career in hairdressing is affordable. We can also help to fund equipment, as well as specialised and advanced courses.